Evolution of bioluminescence in Anthozoa with emphasis on Octocorallia
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Bioluminescence is a widespread phenomenon that has evolved multiple times across the tree of life, converging among diverse fauna and habitat types. The ubiquity of bioluminescence, particularly in marine environments where it is commonly used for communication and defense, highlights the adaptive value of this trait, though the evolutionary origins and timing of emergence remain elusive for a majority of luminous organisms. Anthozoan cnidarians are a diverse group of animals with numerous bioluminescent species found throughout the world’s oceans, from shallow waters to the light-limited deep sea where bioluminescence is particularly prominent. This study documents the presence of bioluminescent Anthozoa across depth and explores the diversity and evolutionary origins of bioluminescence among the Octocorallia – a major anthozoan group of marine luminous organisms. Using a phylogenomic approach and ancestral state reconstruction, we provide evidence for a single origin of bioluminescence in Octocorallia and infer the age of occurrence to around the Cambrian era, approximately 540 million years ago- setting a new record for the earliest timing of emergence of bioluminescence in the marine environment. Our results further suggest this trait was largely maintained in descendants of a deep-water ancestor and bioluminescent capabilities may have facilitated anthozoan diversification in the deep sea.
README: Evolution of bioluminescence in Anthozoa with emphasis on Octocorallia
Access this dataset on Dryad: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.37pvmcvsj
Bioluminescence is a widespread phenomenon. Anthozoan cnidarians are a diverse group of animals with numerous bioluminescent species found throughout the world’s oceans, from shallow waters to the light-limited deep sea where bioluminescence is particularly prominent. This study documents the presence of bioluminescent Anthozoa across depth and summarizes those findings here. Further, it explores the diversity and evolutionary origins of bioluminescence among Octocorallia – a major anthozoan group of marine luminous organisms. Using phylogenomic analyses, including the production of a fossil-calibrated phylogeny for Octocorallia, and ancestral state reconstruction (ASR) for bioluminescent traits and ocean depth habitats, we provide evidence for a single origin of bioluminescence in Octocorallia and infer the age of occurrence to around the Cambrian era, approximately 540 million years ago. The findings set a new record for the earliest timing of emergence of bioluminescence in the marine environment and suggest this trait was largely maintained in descendants of a deep-water ancestor.
Description of the data and file structure
Supplementary files from the manuscript, including compiled metadata for the main figures (Zenodo):
Metadata for the Anthozoa phylogeny (Figure 1), including (columns): species name, depth code (deep, shallow, shallow/deep), and bioluminescent trait coding (Biolum: 0=unlikely or non-bioluminescent; 1=likely or confirmed bioluminescent; NA is unknown). Depth code was based on known genus-level depth ranges (shallow < 200 m; deep > 200 m; shallow/deep range spans both). Bioluminescent traits were defined as bioluminescent (species or genus-level record), non-bioluminescent (negative record at species or genus level), or unknown (no record).
Metadata for the fossil-calibrated/dated Octocorallia phylogeny (Figure 3), including (columns): sample ID, species name, depth code, and bioluminescent trait coding. These depth categories and trait codes were used to run Ancestral State Reconstructions with R using the code and files below.
Trait coding for hybrid UCE/mutS Octocorallia phylogeny (Figure S4). Includes (columns): sample ID, species name, bioluminescent category (B) (0=unlikely or non-bioluminescent; 1=likely or confirmed bioluminescent; NA is unknown).
Compiled summary list of luminous anthozoans from this and previous studies, including references and field notes to facilitate future work.
Files associated with the BEAST analysis and fossil-calibrating the Octocorallia tree:
Contents of zip folder include:
- 25loci_v3_nov22_oct.xml is an xml file created in BEAUTI and modified in a text editor according to the BEAST2 tutorial. This file is used as an input in BEAST analyses
- 25loci.comb.loci.final.log is the combined log file generated from combing log files from the two different runs (newrun3, newrun4). This file was created with LogCombiner.
- DeLeo_octo.mcc.mean.tree is the maximum clade credibility tree based on mean ages. This treefile was produced by TreeAnnotator, after combining treefiles from the two different runs (newrun3, new run4).
Results directories
In each result directory include files produced by BEAST (log gile, state file, .trees file) as well as the job file used to start the BEAST run on Smithsonian’s High Performance Computing System, Hydra.
- newrun3_results is a results folder containing the results from a single BEAST run (250M generations) using the supplied xml file as input.
- newrun4_results is a results folder containing the results from a single BEAST run (250M generations) using the supplied xml file as input.
Code for Ancestral State Reconstruction analyses (.R), and the final dated Octocorallia tree (.tree) and trait table (.csv) used to run the ASR:
DeLeo_ASRcode_octoUCEdatedtree.R (Zenodo)
Code used to run the ASR analyses on the dated Octocorallia tree produced from BEAST, and plot those reconstructions onto the tree.
Trait file used to run the ASR for bioluminescence. Columns include 1) species name (must match exact names in BEAST tree, below) and 2) bioluminescent trait category (B: 0=unlikely or non-bioluminescent; 1=likely or confirmed bioluminescent; 0.5 = NA or unknown).
Dated tree file produced from BEAST that was read into R and used for the ASR analyses using the above code.
The modified trait table used to run the test ASR analysis - labeling all unknowns as "non-bioluminescent" or "0," instead of "unknown" or "0.5," using same ASR code above.
Code and files to conduct depth range analyses in RevBayes followed by plotting in R.
Code also followed in Revbayes online tutorials https://revbayes.github.io :
DeLeo_RevBayesDepthRangeCode.txt (Zenodo)
Contains code adapted from the Revbayes tutorial (above) to conduct the ancestral depth range analyses on the BEAST tree (DeLeo_octo.mcc.mean_labeled.tree) using the depth categories listed in DeLeo_TableS3_Fig3_metadata.csv. Additional code then plots those reconstructions onto the tree in R.
Alignment (.phy) and partition (.nex) files (including run log) to assemble the hybrid UCE/MutS tree with IQTree:
partitions_tested.nex.log, alltaxa_mutS_ucenames_final.phy, and partitions_combined.nex
The final concatenated alignment file (.phy) for the UCE/MutS hybrid tree after partition testing with ModelFinder (.nex), including the log file for this partition testing and alignment conducted in IQTree (.log)
Final curated and labeled hybrid UCE/MutS tree produced from IQTree and used to run the ASR analysis in R, with metadata associated with the tree species found in DeLeo_TableS4_UCEmutStree_metadata.csv.
Data file that can be used to make the histograms and evaluate depth distributions
Tab-separated file that was used to generate Figure 2 and Figure S2, showing octocoral abundance across depth. The depth distributions of octocorals were observed during ROV dives offshore of Monterey Bay, California. Species were categorized based on the trait table as likely to be bioluminescent (species or genus level observation) or undefined (no record). File contains (columns) information on: genus, depth in meters (BinDepth) and bioluminescent category (Biolum).
Sharing/Access information
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the BEAST and R code used to process these data:
Data was derived from the following sources:
The recently published fossil-calibrated phylogeny (Quattrini et al. 2020) (1,729 loci) was used to map bioluminescent traits and depth categories across Anthozoa.
For the phylogenomic analyses, new fully-resolved phylogeny for Octocorallia reconstructed using target-capture sequence data (from 739 loci from 185 octocoral taxa) (McFadden et al. 2022), was used to investigate the evolution of bioluminescence in octocorals. The tree was constructed using maximum likelihood in IQTree v2.1 using the best model (GTR+F+R10). Divergence-dating of this recently revised octocoral tree was conducted using BEAST v 2.6 as outlined in Quattrini et al. (2020). First, a time-calibrated starting tree of the phylogeny in McFadden et al. 2022 was generated using penalized likelihood method (chronopl, based on 26) in the R package ape. The calibration points included the minimum ages of two fossils and a minimum age at the crown Octocorallia and at the root of the tree, obtained from Quattrini et al. (2020). We then selected a 25-locus alignment to input into the BEAST v.2.6 analysis. In the BEAST analysis, loci were partitioned so that a GTRGAMMA model (initial 1.0, 0 to infinity bounds) was applied to each locus. Exponential priors were used for fossil calibration points and a normal prior was applied to the crown Octocorallia and root of the tree, based on Quattrini et al. (2020). Two separate runs of 200M generations were conducted. Log and tree files from each run were combined in LogCombiner, with a 10% burnin. The combined log file was assessed for convergence of parameter values and age estimates by inspecting traces and effective sample sizes in Tracer v.1.7. Trees were combined from both runs, and resampled by selecting one out of every 10K trees, resulting in 75K trees. TreeAnnotator was then used to produce a maximum clade credibility tree based on mean ages.
We expanded the highly-supported tree generated using ultraconserved elements (UCE tree) by McFadden et al. 2022, by combining mitochondrial data, mutS-like DNA repair gene (mtMutS), for an additional 107 octocoral taxa (McFadden et al. 2022) to produce a hybrid (UCE/MutS) phylogeny. Phylogenomic analyses were conducted using maximum likelihood and a partitioned analysis for multi-gene alignments with IQTree v2.1 using both the concatenated UCE alignment (739 loci) and the alignment for mtMutS (McFadden et al. 2022). ModelFinder was used to find the best substitution model for each partition (UCE/mtMutS). The partition model was given discrete substitution models for each gene/character set and each partition was allowed to have its own evolution rate. Ultrafast bootstrapping (-bb 2000) and the Sh-like approximate likelihood ratio test (-alrt 1000) were conducted. The reconstructed tree was pruned using the phytools (v1.2-4) package in R (v3.5.0) to remove four aberrantly placed taxa with poorly supported nodes, based on the recently published phylogeny (McFadden et al. 2022). The final hybrid (UCE/MutS) octocoral tree consisted of 270 operational taxonomic units (or OTUs). The Scleralcyonacea clade was rooted to the Malacalcyonacea clade for downstream analysis uin R based on the findings of McFadden et al. (2022).
For Ancestral State Reconstruction (ASR), trait tables were generated for octocoral taxa represented in both the time-calibrated UCE tree (185 OTUs) and the UCE/MutS hybrid tree (270 OTUs) based on a scale of 0-1 (0: Non-bioluminescent or unlikely; 1: Likely bioluminescent or confirmed; NA or 0.5: unknown). Ancestral states of bioluminescence were calculated using stochastic character mapping, sampling ancestral states from posterior probability distributions generated from 100 stochastic character maps for the bioluminescence trait using the make.simmap function (nsim=100) in the R package phytools. The best fit model was determined by fitting and comparing the extended Mk models (fitMk) for discrete character evolution. Akaike information criterion (AIC) values for the fitted models were then compared to determine the model with the lowest AIC score. This was determined to be the ARD model assuming different rates of trait gain/loss, which was utilized for downstream analysis. Phytools was then used to plot one stochastic character map for the bioluminescence trait on both the time-calibrated phylogeny for Octocorallia (UCE tree) and the more inclusive hybrid tree, along with the posterior probabilities (pie charts) at each node.
To estimate the ancestral depth ranges, a Bayesian dispersal-extirpation-cladogenesis (DEC) model implemented in RevBayes was conducted on the dated, maximum clade credibility tree. Ancestral ranges of shallow (< 200 m) and deep-sea (> 200 m) depths were estimated following the guidelines in the online tutorial on simple analysis of historical biogeography (https://revbayes.github.io/tutorials/biogeo/biogeo_simple.html). Current depth ranges were coded as binary values (0,1) whether a species was recorded from deep, shallow, or both depth ranges. Depths were obtained from obis.org and supplemented with recent museum (NMNH) and geome (geome-db.org) records and the literature. For species identified to a rank above genus, the depth of collection was used. In RevBayes, the number of generations (MCMC) was set to 5000. The R package RevGadgets was then used to plot the probability of ancestral states (as pie charts) at the nodes.