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European Sempervivum tectorum soil pH and iButton soil temperature time series measurement raw data.

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Mar 18, 2021 version files 3.76 MB


Ecogeographical displacement of homoploid hybrid lineages from their parents is well documented and considered an important mechanism to achieve reproductive isolation. In this study, we investigated the origin of the flowering plant species Sempervivum tectorum in the Massif Central (France) through homoploid hybridization between lineages of the species from the Rhine Gorge area (Germany) and the Pyrenees (France). We used genotyping-by-sequencing genetic data as evidence for the hybrid origin of the Massif Central lineage, and WorldClim climatic data and soil pH and soil temperature data collected by us for ecological niche and species distribution modelling. We could show that the Massif Central lineage is of homoploid hybrid origin, and that the niche of this lineage is significantly different from those of the parental lineages. In comparison to the parental niches, different variables of the niche of the hybrid lineage are intermediate, parental combined or extreme. The different niche of the Massif Central populations thus can plausibly be interpreted as hybridization-derived. Our species distribution modelling for the Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene showed that the potential distribution of the hybrid lineage at the likely time of its origin in the Quaternary possibly was parapatric in relation to the largely sympatric distributions of the parental lineages. We hypothesize that reproductive isolation of the hybrid lineage from the parental lineages resulted from the segregation of distribution ranges by a differential response of the three lineages to a warming climate.