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New England mileage fee survey

Data files

Aug 30, 2023 version files 735.97 KB


Fleet diversification and increases in energy efficiency continue to weaken the revenue-generating ability of motor fuels taxes (colloquially, “gas taxes”), which are a large source of funding for transportation projects. While alternative funding schemes are necessary, consensus amongst policymakers is lacking and public acceptance of changes to the gas tax is low. We surveyed residents of Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire to gauge understanding of and support for a mileage fee and a flat fee as potential replacements for the gas tax. Throughout the survey, respondents were provided information and learning opportunities to “myth bust” common misconceptions about the gas tax and the potential policy alternatives. We find that, before education, respondents knew very little about how the current gas tax works and showed minimal support for the proposed policy alternatives. Post-education, support for mileage fees increased by 11%, and the impact of the education was statistically significant in increasing policy support.  Additional regression models revealed that while perceptions of fairness may not be easily changed with education in a survey format, presenting respondents with personalized cost estimates was a highly effective way to increase policy support. Overall, we find responding to common public concerns with up-to-date and non-biased information within a relatively simple learning experience can cause substantial changes in policy support. Our findings offer an avenue to understand how support for gas tax alternatives varies amongst different groups of people and the role that education can play in increasing policy support in the face of widespread misconceptions.