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Velocity, density and energy budget statistics from the article: Validation and application of the lattice Boltzmann algorithm for a turbulent immiscible Rayleigh-Taylor system


We develop a multicomponent lattice Boltzmann (LB) model for the 2D Rayleigh--Taylor turbulence with a Shan-Chen pseudopotential implemented on GPUs. Accuracy of the LB model is tested both for early and late stages of instability. For the developed turbulent motion we analyze the balance between different terms describing variations of the kinetic and potential energies. Then, we analyze the role of interface in the energy balance, and also the effects of the vorticity induced by the interface in the energy dissipation. Statistical properties are compared for miscible and immiscible flows.

In this Dataset, we have included the files for the statistics of the energy budget for the miscible and immiscible Rayleigh-Taylor flows studied in the referred article.

We also included the examples of the density and velocity fields showed in the Figures 1 and 2 of the article.