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Data for project: A quantitative investigation into the impact of partially automated vehicles on vehicle miles travelled in California

Data files

Feb 18, 2021 version files 1.41 MB


We investigate travel changes in partially automated electric vehicles. Partial automation can control vehicle speed and steering using sensors that monitor the external environment. We use survey results from survey responses including 940 users of partial automation, including 628 who have Tesla Autopilot and 312 with systems from other automakers. Autopilot users report using automation more than users of other partial automation systems. Autopilot has the largest impact on travel, notably 36% of Autopilot users reporting more long-distance travel. Respondents who are younger, have a lower household income, use automation in a greater variety of traffic, roads, and weather conditions, and those who have pro-technology attitudes and outdoor lifestyles are more likely to report doing more long-distance travel. We use propensity score matching to investigate whether automation causes any increase in respondents’ annual vehicle miles travelled. For simplicity, we focus only on the impact of Tesla Autopilot and find that automation causes an increase of 4888 more miles driven per year.