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Data from: Cyanobacteriochromes from Gloeobacterales provide new insight into the diversification of cyanobacterial photoreceptors

Data files

Jul 18, 2023 version files 504.32 KB
Oct 11, 2023 version files 619.47 KB


The phytochrome superfamily comprises three groups of photoreceptors sharing a conserved GAF (cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases, cyanobacterial adenylate cyclases, and formate hydrogen lyase transcription activator FhlA) domain that uses a covalently attached linear tetrapyrrole (bilin) chromophore to sense light. Knotted red/far-red phytochromes are widespread in both bacteria and eukaryotes, but cyanobacteria also contain knotless red/far-red phytochromes and cyanobacteriochromes (CBCRs). Unlike phytochromes, CBCRs require only the GAF domain for bilin binding, chromophore ligation, and full, reversible photoconversion. CBCRs can sense a wide range of wavelengths (ca. 330-750 nm) and can regulate phototaxis, second messenger metabolism, and optimization of the cyanobacterial light-harvesting apparatus. However, the origin and diversification of CBCRs are not well understood. In the current work, we use the increasing availability of genomes and metagenome-assembled-genomes from early-branching cyanobacteria to identify the earliest branches in CBCR evolution. Our analyses also show that early-branching cyanobacteria contain more recently evolved CBCRs, implicating significant diversification of CBCRs very early in cyanobacterial evolution. Moreover, we show that early-branching CBCRs behave as integrators of light and pH, providing a potential unique function for early CBCRs that could have led to their retention and subsequent diversification. Our results thus provide new insight into the origins of these diverse cyanobacterial photoreceptors.