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Equate SENAS and IVD cognitive measure: Summary of methods and results

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Mungas, Dan et al. (2020). Equate SENAS and IVD cognitive measure: Summary of methods and results [Dataset]. Dryad.


Conceptually similar measures of episodic memory and executive function have been derived from different tests that compose the SENAS (Spanish and English Neuropsychological Assessment Scale) and IVD-PPG (ischemic vascular contributions to cognitive decline and dementia) neuropsychological test batteries. The purpose of this project was to create equated episodic memory and executive scores from these two batteries that are on the same measurement metric and can be combined in analyses using data from both projects. This will be particularly advantageous where the sample size from either project is small but a combined sample will improve statistical power. Analyses involving neuropathology cases and PIB-PET imaging are particular candidates.


National Institute on Aging, Award: P30 AG10129, P01 AG12435, R01 AG047827, R01 AG031563