Heterotrophic N2-fixation contributes to nitrogen economy of a common wetland sedge, Schoenoplectus californicus
Data files
Mar 28, 2018 version files 49.42 KB
N fixation ARA.xlsx
12.92 KB
Nif gene data.xlsx
11.59 KB
Schoenoplectus soil and plant N and P.xlsx
24.90 KB
These data sets document environmental characteristics of sampling locations of Schoenoplectus californicus, california bulrush, throughout its range in the Americas.
In addition, the data on nif gene in rhizomes and roots of Schoenoplectus are provided.
Soil samples from 52 locations of Schoenoplectus were collected as well as samples of plant tissue.
Nitrogen fixation was measured using the acetylene reduction method, ARA.
Copies of nifH gene were obtained using methods described in the publication