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Data from: Greater host breadth still not associated with increased diversification rate in the Nymphalidae – a response to Janz et al

Data files

Apr 07, 2016 version files 43.60 MB


In their technical comment, Janz et al. take issue with our recent study examining the association between host breadth and diversification rates in the brush footed butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) (Hamm and Fordyce 2015). Specifically, they are concerned that we misrepresent their “oscillation hypothesis” (OH) (Janz et al. 2016; Janz and Nylin 2008) and that one of our models was inadequate to test hypotheses regarding host breadth and diversification rate. Given our mutual interests in the macroevolutionary patterns of herbivorous insects, we appreciate the opportunity to respond to their concerns.