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Data for: PerchPicker classifier model v7: A catalog of American silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura) calls for machine learning

Data files

Jan 10, 2023 version files 358.20 MB
Feb 23, 2023 version files 363.06 MB


This data repository contains labeled passive underwater acoustic data used to train and test the machine-learning model of Bohnenstiehl (in prep - 2023), Automated cataloging of American silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura) calls using machine learning. The software accompanying this paper is known as PerchPicker (GitHub - drbohnen/PerchPicker), and the classifier model presented in the paper is v7. It consists of more than 6000 labeled perch and 6000 labeled other signals. Labeled scalogram images are provided, along with pressure-corrected waveforms (micro-Pascals) sampled at 24 kHz. Each waveform sample is 90 ms long. The center 30 ms of these waveform segments represent the portion of the signal used in training and testing the classifier model. Waveform data are provided in multiple formats: 1)  MATLAB (.mat) files containing the 'perch' and 'other' waveforms stored in column format, and 2) individual .wav files, each containing a labeled waveform example.  Codes are provided to demonstrate how these .wav files can be read into MATLAB and PYTHON.  These labeled data can be used to re-train the PerchPicker model or develop alternative classifiers.