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Recording fine-scale movement of ground beetles by two methods: Potentials and methodological pitfalls

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May 07, 2022 version files 80.93 KB


Movement trajectories are usually recorded as a sequence of discrete movement events described by two parameters: step length (distance) and turning angle (bearing). One of the most widespread methods to record the geocoordinates of each step is by a GPS device. Such devices have limited suitability for recording fine movements of species with low dispersal ability including flightless carabid beetles at small spatio-temporal scales. As an alternative, the distance-bearing approach can avoid the measurement error of GPS units since it uses directly measured distances and compass azimuths. As no quantification of measurement error between distance-bearing and GPS approaches exists so far, we generated artificial fine-scale trajectories and in addition radio-tracked living carabids in a temperate forest and recorded each movement step by both methods. Trajectories obtained from distance-bearing were compared to those obtained by a GPS device in terms of movement parameters. Consequently, both types of trajectories were segmented by state-switching modeling into two distinct movement stages typical for carabids: random walk and directed movement. We found that the measurement error of GPS compared to distance-bearing was 1.878 m (SEM = 0.181 m) for distances and 31.330° (SEM = 2.066°) for bearings. Moreover, these errors increased under dense forest canopy and rainy weather. Distance error did not change with increasing distance recorded by distance-bearing but bearings were significantly more sensitive to error at short distances. State-switching models showed only slight, not significant, differences in movement states between the two methods in favor of the random walk in the distance-bearing approach. However, the shape of the GPS-measured trajectories considerably differed from those recorded by distance-bearing caused especially by bearing error at short distances. Our study showed that distance-bearing could be more appropriate for recording movement steps not only of ground-dwelling beetles but also other small animals at fine spatio-temporal scales.