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Responses of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers to melt and sliding parameterizations

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Joughin, Ian; Shapero, Daniel; Dutrieux, Pierre (2024). Responses of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers to melt and sliding parameterizations [Dataset]. Dryad.


Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers are the two largest contributors to sea level rise from Antarctica. Here we examine the influence of basal friction and melt in determining projected losses. We examine both Weertman and Coulomb friction laws with explicit weakening as the ice thins to flotation, which many friction laws include implicitly via the effective pressure. We find relatively small differences with the choice of friction law (Weertman or Coulomb) but find losses are highly sensitive to the rate at which the basal traction is reduced as the area above the grounding line thins. Consistent with earlier work on Pine Island Glacier, we find sea level contributions from both glaciers vary linearly with the melt volume averaged over time and space, with little influence from the spatial or temporal distribution of melt. Based on recent estimates of melt from other studies, our work simulations suggest that melt-driven combined sea-level rise contribution from both glaciers is unlikely to exceed 10 cm by 2200. We do not include other factors, such as ice shelf breakup that might increase loss, nor factors such as increased accumulation and isostatic uplift that may mitigate loss.

README: Responses of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers to melt and sliding parameterizations

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This archive contains data related to a paper currently in revision at the Cryosphere:

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The forward and inverse code is at

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The results are in the following 7 directories (each with a README with further detail not given here)

forwardModel: With directories and a script to run the forward model

forwardModelInputs: The SMB file needed or the forward model (see manuscript for sources)

inversion: Contains RCF-Inversion and Weertman-Inversion with scripts to run the inversions and a directory with all of the input data.

meshes: meshes and an example reader.

randomMeltFunctions: This directory contains the .yaml files with the melt realization parameters used in the simulation. Also included are example Python routines to compute the melt from the parameters and to generate new parameters. This directory also contains a file with several depth-parameterized melt functions from the literature (see manuscript for details).

meltRegions: Masks to define which areas belong to which ice streams for tabulating melt on each ice shelf (e.g., so the melt for each shelf can be normed individually).

Code: This directory contains the code for the basin scale model. Firedrake needs to be installed and activated to use this code.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Award: 80NSSC20K0954

National Science Foundation, Award: OAC-1835321

National Centre for Earth Observation