Data from: Using mobile phones as acoustic sensors for high-throughput mosquito surveillance
Data files
Oct 02, 2018 version files 1.23 GB
Aedes aegypti.rar
Aedes albopictus.rar
Aedes mediovittatus.rar
Aedes sierrensis.rar
Anopheles albimanus.rar
Anopheles arabiensis.rar
Anopheles atroparvus.rar
Anopheles dirus.rar
Anopheles farauti.rar
Anopheles freeborni.rar
Anopheles gambiae.rar
Anopheles merus.rar
Anopheles minimus.rar
Anopheles quadriannulatus.rar
Anopheles quadrimaculatus.rar
Anopheles stephensi.rar
Culex pipiens.rar
Culex quinquefasciatus.rar
Culex tarsalis.rar
Culiseta incidens.rar
The direct monitoring of mosquito populations in field settings is a crucial input for shaping appropriate and timely control measures for mosquito-borne diseases. Here, we demonstrate that commercially available mobile phones are a powerful tool for acoustically mapping mosquito species distributions worldwide. We show that even low-cost mobile phones with very basic functionality are capable of sensitively acquiring acoustic data on species-specific mosquito wingbeat sounds, while simultaneously recording the time and location of the human-mosquito encounter. We survey a wide range of medically important mosquito species, to quantitatively demonstrate how acoustic recordings supported by spatio-temporal metadata enable rapid, non-invasive species identification. As proof-of-concept, we carry out field demonstrations where minimally-trained users map local mosquitoes using their personal phones. Thus, we establish a new paradigm for mosquito surveillance that takes advantage of the existing global mobile network infrastructure, to enable continuous and large-scale data acquisition in resource-constrained areas.