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Point intercept and biomass data for vascular plants in a manipulative experiment of rear-round, winter-only, summer-only grazing, mowing and full exclosure at Molslab, Denmark

Data files

Jul 21, 2023 version files 348.59 KB


Data from two sets of sample quadrats included, both from nine experimental blocks, each replicating the treatments: rear-round grazing, winter-only grazing (summer exclosure), summer-only grazing (winter exclosure), mowing (one annual event in autumn) and full exclosure (no cattle or horse grazing, no mowing, but grazing by wild roe deer and hare).

1) Each of the 24 sample plots (six blocks times four treatments, mowing excluded) was first sampled non-destructively with the point intercept method, then above-ground biomass was cut at the soil surface, sorted into species fractions, dried and weighed. Data recording September 1–16, 2020.

2) Each of the 45 sample plots (nine blocks times five treatments) was sampled non-destructively with the point intercept method. Data recording August 2–20, 2021.