Dcp2 C-terminal cis-binding elements control selective targeting of the decapping enzyme by forming distinct decapping complexes
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Nov 10, 2021 version files 3.37 GB
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A single Dcp1-Dcp2 decapping enzyme targets diverse classes of yeast mRNAs for decapping-dependent 5’ to 3’ decay, but the molecular mechanisms controlling selective mRNA targeting by the enzyme remain elusive. Through extensive genetic analyses we uncover cis-regulatory elements in the Dcp2 C-terminal domain that control selective targeting of the decapping enzyme by forming distinct decapping complexes. Two Upf1-binding motifs target the decapping enzyme to NMD substrates, and a single Edc3-binding motif targets both Edc3 and Dhh1 substrates. Pat1-binding leucine-rich motifs target Edc3 and Dhh1 substrates under selective conditions. Although it functions as a unique targeting component of specific complexes, Edc3 is a common component of multiple complexes. Xrn1 also has a specific Dcp2 binding site, allowing it to be directly recruited to decapping complexes. Collectively, our results demonstrate that Upf1, Edc3, and Pat1 function as regulatory subunits of the holo-decapping enzyme, controlling both its targeting specificity and enzymatic activation
Data were generated by northern blotting and hybridization. Transcript-specific hybridization signals on the membrane were detected and imaged with a FUJI BAS-2500 analyzer.
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