Trade-offs in habitat use and occupancy of bats across the gradient of urbanization and seasons
Data files
Apr 08, 2024 version files 1.03 MB
Urbanization, occurring across a gradient from low- to high-density development, is a primary driver of landscape change that can affect biodiversity. Animals balance trade-offs in obtaining resources and avoiding anthropogenic disturbances across the gradient of urbanization to maximize their fitness. However, additional research is necessary to understand seasonal variations in how animals respond to urbanization, particularly in arid regions, where resource availability shifts drastically across seasons. Our objective was to evaluate the response of a suite of bat species to urbanization and whether species shift their response to urbanization across seasons. We predicted that the response of bats to urbanization would differ among species, with some species being more sensitive to urbanization than others. We also predicted that bat species would increase use of moderate and highly urbanized areas in the summer season, where food and water resources were assumed to be greater compared to wildland areas. To evaluate these predictions, we used a stratified random sampling design to sample 50 sites with stationary acoustic bat monitors across the gradient of urbanization in the Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona, USA during four seasons. We identified a total of 14 bat species during 1000 survey nights. Consistent with predictions, bat species exhibited different responses to urbanization, with most species exhibiting a negative relationship with urbanization, and some species exhibiting a quadratic or positive relationship with urbanization. Counter to predictions, most species did not appear to shift their response to urbanization across seasons. Differences in the response of bat species to urbanization was likely related to species traits (e.g., wing morphology and echolocation call characteristics) and behavioral strategies that influence a species’ susceptibility to anthropogenic disturbances and ability to access available resources in urbanized areas. Consistent with predications, plant productivity and water were important for some species in the summer season. Ultimately, to promote the management and conservation of bats, it is likely important to maintain resources in urbanized areas for bats that are more tolerant of urbanization and to conserve areas of undeveloped high-quality habitat with low anthropogenic disturbance in wildland areas for bats that are sensitive to urbanization.
1. Title of Dataset: Trade-offs in habitat use and occupancy of bats across the gradient of urbanization and seasons.
2. Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Jesse Lewis
Institution: Arizona State University
Address: Mesa, Arizona USA
B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Jessie Dwyer
Institution: McDowell Sonoran Conservancy
Address: Scottsdale, Arizona USA
3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall 2019
4. Geographic location of data collection: Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona, USA
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: NSF-DEB-1832016
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Dwyer, J. M., J. S. Lewis, M. S. Moore. (2024). Trade-offs in habitat use and occupancy of bats across the gradient of urbanization and seasons. Ecosphere.
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
5. Was data derived from another source? No
A. If yes, list source(s): NA
6. Recommended citation for this dataset:
Dwyer, J. M., J. S. Lewis, M. S. Moore. (2024). Trade-offs in habitat use and occupancy of bats across the gradient of urbanization and seasons. Dryad Digital Repository.
1. File List:
A) 40MY_S2Spring_input
B) 40MY_S3Summer_input
C) ANPA_S2Spring.txt
D) ANPA_S3Summer_input.txt
E) COTO_S2Spring.txt
F) COTO_S3Summer_input.txt
G) COTO_S4Fall_input.txt
H) EPFU_S2Spring.txt
I) EPFU_S3Summer_input.txt
J) EUPE_S1Winter.txt
K) EUPE_S2Spring.txt
L) EUPE_S3Summer_input.txt
M) EUPE_S4Fall_input.txt
N) LABL_S1Winter.txt
O) LABL_S2Spring.txt
P) LABL_S3Summer_input.txt
Q) LABL_S4Fall_input.txt
R) LACI_S1Winter.txt
S) LACI_S2Spring.txt
T) LACI_S3Summer_input.txt
U) LANO_S2Spring.txt
V) LANO_S3Summer_input.txt
W) LANO_S4Fall_input.txt
X) LAXA_S1Winter.txt
Y) LAXA_S2Spring.txt
Z) LAXA_S3Summer_input.txt
AA) LAXA_S4Fall_input.txt
AB) MYCA_S2Spring.txt
AC) MYCA_S3Summer_input.txt
AD) MYCA_S4Fall_input.txt
AE) MYYU_S1Winter.txt
AF) MYYU_S2Spring.txt
AG) MYYU_S3Summer_input.txt
AH) MYYU_S4Fall_input.txt
AI) NSYP_S1Winter.txt
AJ) NYSP_S2Spring.txt
AK) NYSP_S3Summer_input.txt
AL) NYSP_S4Fall_input.txt
AM) PAHE_S1Winter.txt
AN) PAHE_S2Spring.txt
AO) PAHE_S3Summer_input.txt
AP) PAHE_S4Fall_input.txt
AQ) TABR_S1Winter.txt
AR) TABR_S2Spring.txt
AS) TABR_S3Summer_input.txt
AT) TABR_S4Fall_input.txt
Variable List:
* ch: species detected (1) or not detected (0) during each of the five occasions (survey nights)
* Site: survey location (1-50)
* Week: week of the season that the site was surveyed (1-8)
* UrbanCat: category of urbanization: low (1), moderate (2), and high (3) urbanization based on NAIP land cover
Urb variables are proportion of urbanization (ranging from 0 – 1) within specified radius buffers
* Urb125: proportion of urbanization within 125-m buffer based on NAIP imagery
* UrbS125: standardized "Urb125" variable
* UrbQ125: quadratic "Urb125" variable
* Urb250: proportion of urbanization within 250-m buffer based on NAIP imagery
* UrbS250: standardized "Urb125" variable
* UrbQ250: quadratic "Urb125" variable
* Urb500: proportion of urbanization within 500-m buffer based on NAIP imagery
* UrbS500: standardized "Urb500" variable
* UrbQ500: quadratic "Urb500" variable
* Urb1000: proportion of urbanization within 1000-m buffer based on NAIP imagery
* UrbS1000: standardized "Urb1000" variable
* UrbQ1000: quadratic "Urb1000" variable
* Urb2000: proportion of urbanization within 2000-m buffer based on NAIP imagery
* UrbS2000: standardized "Urb2000" variable
* UrbQ2000: quadratic "Urb2000" variable
NDVI variables are mean values of NDVI (ranging from 0 – 1) within specified radius buffers
* NDVI125: normalized difference in vegetation index within 125-m buffer based on Landsat 8 imagery
* NDVIS125: standardized "NDVI125" variable
* NDVI250: normalized difference in vegetation index within 250-m buffer based on Landsat 8 imagery
* NDVIS1250: standardized "NDVI250" variable
* NDVI500: normalized difference in vegetation index within 500-m buffer based on Landsat 8 imagery
* NDVIS500: standardized "NDVI500" variable
* NDVI1000: normalized difference in vegetation index within 1000-m buffer based on Landsat 8 imagery
* NDVIS1000: standardized "NDVI1000" variable
* NDVI2000: normalized difference in vegetation index within 2000-m buffer based on Landsat 8 imagery
* NDVIS2000: standardized "NDVI2000" variable
* Water: distance (meters) to nearest water source (>7 meters in length or width, including swimming pools)
* WaterS: standardized "Water" variable
Detection covariates
*MinTemp1: minimum temperature (Celsius) of survey night 1 based on Daymet weather data
*MinTemp2: minimum temperature (Celsius) of survey night 2 based on Daymet weather data
*MinTemp3: minimum temperature (Celsius) of survey night 3 based on Daymet weather data
*MinTemp4: minimum temperature (Celsius) of survey night 4 based on Daymet weather data
*MinTemp5: minimum temperature (Celsius) of survey night 5 based on Daymet weather data
*AvgMinTemp: average minimum temperature (Celsius) across the 5 survey nights
*AvSMinTemp: standardized "AvgMinTemp" variable
*Moon1: percent lunar illumination of survey night 1 based on NASA moon data
*Moon2: percent lunar illumination of survey night 2 based on NASA moon data
*Moon3: percent lunar illumination of survey night 3 based on NASA moon data
*Moon4: percent lunar illumination of survey night 4 based on NASA moon data
*Moon5: percent lunar illumination of survey night 5 based on NASA moon data
*AvgMoon: average lunar illumination across the 5 survey nights
*AvSMoon: standardized "AvgMoon" variable
Additional Variables:
A) 40MY_S2Spring_input
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
B) 40MY_S3Summer_input
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
C) ANPA_S2Spring.txt
*U500N2000 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS2000" variables
*U1000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
D) ANPA_S3Summer_input.txt
*U1000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
E) COTO_S2Spring.txt
*U2000N500 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS500" variables
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
F) COTO_S3Summer_input.txt
*U125N1000 - interaction between "UrbS125" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U2000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U2000N250 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS250" variables
G) COTO_S4Fall_input.txt
*U2000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
H) EPFU_S2Spring.txt
*U250N2000 - interaction between "UrbS250" and "NDVIS2000" variables
*UQ250N2000 - interaction between "UrbQ250" and "NDVIS2000" variables
I) EPFU_S3Summer_input.txt
*U125N125 - interaction between "UrbS125" and "NDVIS125" variables
*U500N125 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS125" variables
K) EUPE_S2Spring.txt
*U2000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
L) EUPE_S3Summer_input.txt
*U2000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
M) EUPE_S4Fall_input.txt
*U500N1000 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U1000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
P) LABL_S3Summer_input.txt
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
S) LACI_S2Spring.txt
*U125N125 - interaction between "UrbS125" and "NDVIS125" variables
*U1000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
U) LANO_S2Spring.txt
*U125N1000 - interaction between "UrbS125" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U500N1000 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U1000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
V) LANO_S3Summer_input.txt
*U500N125 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS125" variables
W) LANO_S4Fall_input.txt
*U500N2000 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS2000" variables
*U1000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
Z) LAXA_S3Summer_input.txt
*U125N1000 - interaction between "UrbS125" and "NDVIS1000" variables
AA) LAXA_S4Fall_input.txt
*U2000N125 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS125" variables
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
AD) MYCA_S4Fall_input.txt
*U125N125 - interaction between "UrbS125" and "NDVIS125" variables
AF) MYYU_S2Spring.txt
*U125N1000 - interaction between "UrbS125" and "NDVIS1000" variables
AH) MYYU_S4Fall_input.txt
*U250N2000 - interaction between "UrbS250" and "NDVIS2000" variables
AJ) NYSP_S2Spring.txt
*U2000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
AK) NYSP_S3Summer_input.txt
*U500N2000 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS2000" variables
*U1000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U1000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
AL) NYSP_S4Fall_input.txt
*U1000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
*U2000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
AN) PAHE_S2Spring.txt
*U1000N125 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS125" variables
*U1000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
AO) PAHE_S3Summer_input.txt
*U2000N500 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS500" variables
*U2000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS2000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
AP) PAHE_S4Fall_input.txt
*U1000N2000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS2000" variables
AR) TABR_S2Spring.txt
*U500N2000 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS2000" variables
*U1000N1000 - interaction between "UrbS1000" and "NDVIS1000" variables
AT) TABR_S4Fall_input.txt
*U250N500 - interaction between "UrbS250" and "NDVIS500" variables
*U500N500 - interaction between "UrbS500" and "NDVIS500" variables
Acoustic bat monitoring