Struggling to survive: A comparison of Vanessa cardui larval survivorship on putative host plants
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The painted lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) is a generalist herbivore with a global distribution. In North America, over 100 species have been identified as V. cardui larval host plants. This cosmopolitan species is commercially available in all life stages and can be reared on an artificial diet. As a result, V. cardui commonly serves as a model organism for education and outreach. However, gaps in our knowledge remain with regard to V. cardui ecology and larval host plant suitability for supporting complete development of larvae to reproductive adulthood. In a laboratory setting, we tested host plant suitability of five reported host plants commonly found in California sage scrub ecosystems by assessing survival of V. cardui caterpillars in their entirety. We also assessed how commercially sourced larvae survived on an artificial diet: both raising the caterpillars exclusively on an artificial diet, as well as switching diets from artificial to thistle (a commonly reported host plant) and switching from thistle to artificial diet. We found that all commercially-sourced caterpillars exhibited both high larval mortality and low pupation rates when reared on host plants, although larvae reared on Malacothamnus fasciculatus and Sphaeralcea ambigua survived longest. Moreover, M. fasciculatus and S. ambigua were the only host plants tested that supported successful pupation. This contrasted with a 63% higher survival of wild-collected larvae. Our findings suggest that commercially obtained V. cardui may struggle to utilize wild host plants and that future investigations into host plant suitability in wild populations are needed. Additionally, future research using commercial larvae should consider the implications for interpreting host plant suitability as larvae may exhibit adaptations to artificial diet or the loss of adaptation to consuming plant material.
README: Struggling to survive: A comparison of Vanessa cardui larval survival on putative host plants
This dataset is from the manuscript “Struggling to survive: A comparison of Vanessa cardui larval survivorship on putative host plants” and provides the details of the larval survival analyzed in this manuscript.
date: Date of death for each larva Julian date of death
year: Year of death Trial number of the respective diet treatment
time: Age of larva at death
status: 1 = alive 2 = dead
mail.emerge: y = larva emerged from egg while in mail. n = larva did not emerge from egg while in the mail
species: ARTH = artificial diet to thistle. ARTI = artificial only. THAR = thistle to artificial. ABPA = Abutilon palmeri. MACL = Malacothamnus clementinus. MAFA = Malacothamnus fasciculatus. NIGL = Nicotiana glauca. SPAM = Sphaeralcea ambigua
source: Source of egg/larvae (oviposition, Carolina Biological Supply Company, Educational Science Supply)
pot: n = plant cutting in a water pick. y = live potted plant
plant.trial: Plant species code and trial number
avg.rh: Average relative humidity (%) for larva during lifespan
avg.temp: Average temperature (celsius) for larva during lifespan
Painted lady larvae were purchased from commercial sources and were reared on differing putative host plants and/or artificial diet configurations to follow survival and pupation success. We complemented the commercial larvae with wild-collected larvae and butterflies and measured the same variables.