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Jules, Bergis (2017). #BLMKidnapping [Text]. Dryad.


These 136,990 tweet ids represent reaction to a Facebook Live video that was posted on January 3rd, 2017, showing four African American men violently attacking a white, mentally disabled man. The tweets were collected on 01/05/2017. After the video surfaced, the Twitter hashtag, #BLMkidnapping, was created and used to incorrectly attribute the violent attack to members of the Black Lives Matter movement. Police in Chicago, where the attack took place, have found no evidence the attack has any connection to the Black Lives Matter movement. This link is to a CNN story documenting the police denial of Black Lives Matter connection:


This dataset was collected using the DocNow twitter collection prototype tool:

Usage notes

You can use the DocNow Hydrator application to recreate the original tweets from these ids: