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Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory

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Wetzel, William et al. (2023). Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory [Dataset]. Dryad.


Interactions between plants and herbivores are central in most ecosystems, but their strength is highly variable. The amount of variability within a system is thought to influence most aspects of plant-herbivore biology, from ecological stability to plant defense evolution. Our understanding of what influences variability, however, is limited by sparse data. We collected standardized surveys of herbivory for 503 plant species at 790 sites across 116° of latitude. With these data, we show that within-population variability in herbivory increases with latitude, decreases with plant size, and is phylogenetically structured. Differences in the magnitude of variability are thus central to how plant-herbivore biology varies across macroscale gradients. We argue that increased focus on interaction variability will advance understanding of patterns of life on Earth.

README: Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory

This dataset and set of scripts was produced by the members of The Herbivory Variability Network. It examines global and phylogenetic patterns of herbivory via 790 suveys of 503 plant species.

Our website is We are funded by the US National Science Foundation Research Coordination Networks program. The Principal Investigators (PIs) of the project are William Wetzel (, Phil Hahn, Brian Inouye, Nora Underwood, and Susan Whitehead. The steering committee is the PIs and Karen Abbott, Emilio Bruna, N. Ivalú Cacho, and Lee Dyer. Our contact information is here. For the full list of HerbVar members, please see this webpage.

This version of the dataset and analysis is associated with the following paper: The Herbivory Variability Network et al. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science 382: 679-683.

Description of the data and file structure

There are three csv data files in the dataset. Each represents a different biological scale: plant individuals, plant populations, and plant species.

data_plant_level_prep_2023-01-01 10-15-19.csv -- each row is a plant individual
data_survey_level_prep_2023-01-01 10-15-19.csv -- each row is a plant population
data_species_level_prep_2023-01-01 10-15-19.csv -- each row is a plant species

Column name definitions

data_plant_level_prep_2023-01-01 10-15-19.csv

Col name Definition
surveyID ID for the population survey
Genus_sp Genus and species of the plant surveyed
plantFamily Taxonomic family of the plant species
percHerbPlant The percent of leaf area damaged by herbivores (%)
Lat The latitude of the survey site (decimal degrees)

data_survey_level_prep_2023-01-01 10-15-19.csv

Col name Definition
surveyID ID for the population survey
date The date of the survey (month/day/year)
Lat The latitude of the survey site
Lat_abs The absolute value of the latitude of the survey site (decimal degrees)
Lat_abs_scale The scaled absolute value of the latitude of the survey site (decimal degrees)
hemi The hemisphere of the survey site (north or south)
Genus_sp Genus and species of the plant surveyed
plantFamily Taxonomic family of the plant species
Biome The biome of the survey site
growthForm The growth form of the plant species
growthForm_simp A simplified version of the growth form of the plant species
sizeDiameterMean The mean height for most plant species or mean diameter for prostrate species (cm)
sizeDiameterMeanLog Log of sizeDiameterMean
sizeDiameterMeanLogScale Scaled log of sizeDiameterMean
plantMean The mean percent herbivory in the survey (%)
plantMeanProp The mean proportion herbivory in the survey
plantMeanPropLogit The logit mean proportion herbivory in the survey
plantGini The Gini coefficient of herbivory in the survey
plantGiniAdj The adjusted Gini coefficient of herbivory in the survey (see methods)
plantGiniAdjLogit The logit adjusted Gini coefficient of herbivory in the survey (see methods)
propPlantsHerb50 The minimum proportion of plant individuals with >= 50% of the population's proportion herbivory
focalPlantCoverMean The average cover of the focal plant species within the survey

data_species_level_prep_2023-01-01 10-15-19.csv

Col name Definition
Genus_sp Genus and species of the plant surveyed
plantFamily Taxonomic family of the plant species
plantMean The mean percent herbivory averaged across the surveys of each species (%)
plantMeanProp The mean proportion herbivory averaged across the surveys of each species
plantMeanPropLogit The logit mean proportion herbivory averaged across the surveys of each species
plantGini The Gini coefficient of herbivory averaged across the surveys of each species
plantGiniAdj The adjusted Gini coefficient of herbivory averaged across the surveys of each species (see methods)
plantGiniAdjLogit The logit adjusted Gini coefficient of herbivory averaged across the surveys of each species (see methods)


Our analysis scripts are also available at our public GitHub repository for this paper. It includes six R scripts.

Script Purpose
01 - HV MS1 Load data and build tree.R Loads the data files, builds the phylogenetic tree, and sets priors for all beta models
02 - HV MS1 Overall means.R Calculates model predicted means for mean herbivory and the Gini coefficient of herbivory, plus one more summary statistic
03 - HV MS1 Geographic analyses.R Models geographic patterns in herbivory means and the Gini coefficient, including with latitude and biome
04 - HV MS1 Plant trait analyses.R Models patterns in herbivory with plant size and plant growth form
05 - HV MS1 Phylogenetic signal.R Calculates phylogenetic signal in mean herbivory and the Gini coefficient
06 - HV MS1 Sensitivity analyses.R This script examines the sensitivity of our results to within-survey sample size


National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, Award: DEB 2203582

National Science Foundation, Award: DEB1557086

National Science Foundation, Award: DEB-1456592

National Science Foundation, Award: DEB-1831164

National Science Foundation, Award: DMS- 2304988

Earthwatch Institute

Natural Environment Research Council, Award: NE/P012345/1

Agence Nationale de la Recherche

São Paulo Research Foundation, Award: 2022/07381-9

National University of La Pampa

São Paulo Research Foundation, Award: 2013/25991-0

Swiss National Science Foundation, Award: 310030E-173542/1

DFG, Award: SP 1380/2-1

Canada Research Chair Program

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Award: 18J00093

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Award: 22K15188

FONDECYT, Award: 1190927

Swiss National Science Foundation, Award: 31003A_179481

FONDECYT, Award: 11181100

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Award: 312178/2019-0

Israel Science Foundation, Award: 336/16

FONDECYT, Award: 11220233

Academy of Finland, Award: 324392

Irish Research Council, Award: 2017/2018 IRCLA/2017/60

McIntire Stennis project, Award: MD-ENTM-19001

Postdoctoral Fulbright

Argentinian ministry

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Award: 307447/2018-9

Instituto de Ecología

Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Award: 441573/2020-7 [PELD-RAS]

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Award: 406767/2022-0 [INCT SinBiAm]

DFG Priority Program Program 1374

Texas Ecological Laboratory

Royal Society University Research Fellowship

Turku Collegium for Science, Medicine and Technology

United States Department of Agriculture, Award: WIS01842, McIntire-Stennis

Texas Ecological Laboratory

Texas Ecological Laboratory, Stengl-Wyer Fellowship

Grant ANID PIA/BASAL, Award: FB210006

Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo, Award: NCN2021‐050

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and EU, Award: FJC2020-042954-I

US Forest Service

University of Pittsburgh, The Mathematical Research Center